Don’t F*#k the Customer.

Up your service game with this mantra.

Someone close to me works for a company that has the internal mandate to staff of ‘Don’t Fuck the Customer! When I heard this I laughed, was then a little shocked, and then settled into a place of complete agreement with that sentiment worded that way, my shock turned into a hell yeah!

Sure there are less expletive driven ways to say it but I don’t think any other words capture the essence of that message quite as concisely or holistically.

Now the application of this practice will be nuanced, depending on your role, but from a Frontline Customer Service perspective, there is no clearer directive than this and it has really elevated the service I provide every day to the customers I encounter.

I have always strived to provide exceptional service, but those four words shifted focus squarely on the experience of the customer. It is no longer just about a knowledgeable and professional interaction but also about that feeling you get when you feel like a person genuinely cares. It is intangible and really hard to explain but we all know the difference.

It is that goofy feeling you get when you notice you are smiling instead of wanting to hurl your phone across the room after a call or that slight strut you walk out of the clothes store with because you felt truly seen in the most positive way. It is a rare thing but it shouldn’t be.

No matter what type of business you are providing customer service in, Finance, Health, Logistics, Tech, Retail, whatever, the focus should always be simply, “Don’t Fuck the Customer’. If you approach every interaction with that at the forefront of mind you will always outperform the set parameters of your customer service role and instinctively exceed the expectations of the client and the company.

In a world where we all occasionally, or sometimes continually, feel taken advantage of, sold to and lied to, be the person that after every encounter leaves the customer feeling like they have experienced a sincere interaction and a genuine attempt at assistance. They will appreciate it, they will come back for more, and you will be amazed at how energised you feel in your customer service role, a role you may decide to make a career and not just the first step to somewhere else.

I would love to hear what energises you in your customer service positions.

